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Izlet u Park prirode Biokovo sa posjetom Skywalku po cijeni od 1.000,00 kn / 132,72 €
Transfer iz zračne luke Split po cijeni od 1.000,00 kn / 132,72 €
A really nice trip with amazing views! The skywalk is a nice attraction but for me the highlight of the trip was a 20 min hike we took to one of the mountain peaks. Also met some animals on our way which was a nice surprise :) Our tour guide Petra and driver Nikša were great! Definitely would recommend taking this tour if you want to see the mountain rather than driving yourself as the road is very narrow and I felt much safer with a professional driver.
- Yulia
Realy nice experiance. If you like untouchd nature and a long walk with amazing view than you need to take this tour.
- Jozef
My husband booked this for my significant birthday and I loved it. The staff are very helpful and would not make you do anything that you were not happy atempting. It is very safety aware and you feel very very safe. The experience was so good that we booked it again for our next holiday to the same resort. Try it and be amazed. The scenery is stunning too.
- Ddea
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